lördag 4 september 2010

The leftover Christmas tree – Instructables

Ever wondered...
...what to do with the leftover Christmas tree? Well now in September yesteryear's tree may be just dry enough for you to turn it into something really useful.

Like a didgeridoo? 

One of my RSS links goes to the hilarious blog Instructables, where the members upload their step-by-step instructions for making just about anything from building a polar 3-D printer from Legosan invisible bookshelf  or – even more useful – a hidden door bookshelf, to cake recipes like a coffee cup cake, the best ever chcolate chip cookie and the dual color cookie. And of course more serious food like meatloaf on a stick.

All instructables are nor for everyone. The Christmas tree to a didgeridoo instructable, though, seems to fill a need here in the Nordic countries. Enjoy!


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